Nomination Procedure
Self-evaluate the chances of your potential nominee - see here
Complete a candidate nomination form.
The nominee’s biography should include the candidate’s marathon swimming/contribution history and clearly outline why the candidate should be inducted into the IMSHOF or receive an ISHOF Award.
Get the official nomination forms (see the next tab "Forms" download and save under a different name on your PC).
A member of the Executive Committee (or approved delegate) will perform a "lite" fact check on the completed form
and sign. If a potentially significant question is raised during the voting process – the nominees’ vote will not be
considered until the question is answered. If the result is a nomination less impressive the Executive Committee will
ignore the votes and either roll the corrected nomination to the next year or consider if the offence was Fraud and bar a future nomination.
2024 Deadlines, Selection, and Announcement
Nominations must be submitted by Saturday 14th September, 2024 10pm GMT to allow an adequate period for internal factual, ethics and viability review.
Nominations close Saturday 21st September, 2024 10pm GMT.
Ballot sent to IMSHOF Selectors before Saturday 28th September, 2024 10pm GMT.
Voting closes Saturday 19th October, 2024 10pm GMT.
The Executive Committee will decide the inductees and award winners always in order of vote totals per category and decide ties by Executive Committee vote.
Announcements will be made in November through press releases and via the International Marathon Swimming Hall of Fame Facebook page, Instagram and documented on IMSHOF.ORG and subsequent IMSHOF Newsletter.